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Not written in Stone

Not written in Stone by Steven Jouwersma


Not written in Stone

2016 | Generative video Installation

Not Written in Stone is a generative video-work in which 8 musicians are interviewed by a psychoanalyst. While talking about the struggles of their creative process, the analysands are at the same time making pottery behind a pottery wheel. The difficulties of making pottery for the first time are intertwined with inability to reach a clear description of how a creative process works. 

Hd Video. - "Not Written in Stone", continuous random software edit.

The generative playback software specifically written for this project is continuously generating a random montage from the selected video material.

The video duration cannot be defined. Just like a Lacanian psychoanalytic session, the duration can be short to very long. A title screen may appear giving the video a sense of a plot. To then start again in a new edit and length.

Psychoanalyst : Anonymus
Musicians: Mia Kemppainen, Günter Schickert, Lucie Vítková, Wizard Ashdod, Juliana Venter and Craig Shuftan.

Directed by Steven Jouwersma
Director of Photography and Camera : Sander Houtkruijer
Camera and Light : Carlos Vasquez
Sound: Steven Jouwersma

Software: Max/MSP patch programmed by Steven Jouwersma,
sentences have been cut in clips, patch renders random combinations based on different sub categories all prepared in editing proces to fit into each other (somewhat). final outcome has millions of possibilities. length varies from 5 seconds till hours.

supported by the Mondriaan Fonds and Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin.